Shri Ram Saran Soni s/o Shri Shanker Lal Soni is a senior citizen having 79 years of age and is in good health. He is an Ex.Industrialist for 42 years. in Ludhiana and is offering his experienced skill to this company from the last 6/7years in our Admin. as a General Manager and holding H.R activities of the company.
Mr. Prveen Kumar sio Shri Jaswant Singh is a very sturdy boy of 33years. He is serving with us as a Project Manager and devoting his well versatile abilities in labour Management. He is an experienced technical person and we can call him a jack all trades. He is associated with our company from the last 9/10years.
Mr. Anil Kaim s/o Shiv Raghubir Singh Kaim is a Diploma Holder in Mechanical Engineering having working experience of more than lOyears In production and its planning . He is 35year of age & serving in our company as a Production Executive.
Sunil Kumar s/o Sh. Prabhu Narayan is B.Tech (Electrical) .He has 3 Years experience as lecturer in polytechnic college and 2+ years experience as marketing head in our organization .His role in our organization is EPC marketing, handling all steps involved in govt. tender to finalise the project.